Dry Needling vs Acupuncture
Dry Needling or trigger point myofascial release IS acupuncture. Do not be confused by this term. The term "dry needling" was coined to indicate that no solution is being injected into the site and to allow some practitioners with very limited training to practice this modality. It is often referred to as a modern treatment that is performed by physical therapists. It is in fact acupuncture and should only be performed by a licensed acupuncturist. In order to know who is properly trained, look for NCCAOM certification.
Cupping is an ancient technique, used in many cultures, in which a special cup is applied to the skin and held in place by suction. The suction draws superficial tissue into the cup, which may either be left in place or moved along the body. Cupping brings fresh blood to the area and helps improve circulation. Traditional cupping, sometimes referred to as “fire cupping," uses heat to create a vacuum-like suction inside of glass cups. In modern times, cups that use a small pump to create suction have also been introduced.
JoNell Norcini,L.Ac. 10330-D Lake Road
Houston, Texas 77070
By Appointment Only
(713) 825-1636